Shifting paradigms
Named after the renowned economist Friedrich Hayek, this currency is designed to harness and merge the power of upcoming monetary disruptive technogies with broader development goals, striving to tackle the world's most challenging problems.
What this means in practice is that using the HWC brings substantial savings and benefits financially, environmentally and in almost every other way to society from a collective to an individual level. For national economies using only fiat money costs can be recuced to practically zero, thereby avoiding any unnecessary CO2 emissions and tax burdens - yes you read that right - more specifically, considerable savings in time, (tax) money and resources - close to 100%.
By bridging the gap between crypto and fiat, the Hayek World Currency (HWC) seeks to redefine traditional financial paradigms while shifting the focus towards a more resilient and fair economic future for all. Its approach leverages the benefits of decentralized technology to empower communities, challenging conventional perceptions of value and money.
At its core, money is just a medium of trust to exchange value. Trust is hard to measure or predict and value is a perception rather than just a calculation. Value is something people perceive and based on the ability to meet their expectations, fulfill their needs and provide satisfaction over and over again.
More than a little curious about its features? No worries, the specific content witheld as to its design shall be disclosed as soon as the development phase has been concluded. Stay tuned, don't miss it.