Interest bearing fiat currency systems


People spend their entire life putting their time and energy to earn it, but most have never fully questioned what is money? Once you begin questioning that and how the system works such as how money is brought into existence and circulation, compound interest on debt, inflation, taxation, may be you will be able to see the problems which correlates to the world. Fiat currency schemes unfortunately come at a very high price. Besides being very expensive to run and a huge burden on society, traditional currencies are also higly unequal and unsustainable. Surprisingly, the fractional reserve banking system and the process of money creation are two of the biggest contributors to major environmental, geopolitical and socio-economic problems, thereby fundamentally undermining the structure of society.


Fiat based economies necessitate perpetual debt in order to grow or to function, with the inflation and taxation inherent in the system compounded by the inevitable scarcity, within in the money supply itself, created by the interest that can only be re-payed by creating new debts, also with interest charges. It all simply has to be borrowed in existence. Only when debt is created, fiat money is created. Think about it, debt must first be created before even being able to bring money into existence. The interest, however, to be paid on the principal amount of debt-based money is only charged and purposely not effectively created nor brought into circulation intially. So, there's always more money owed to the banks than actually exists in the system, thereby not only creating an artificial and unhealthy competition in the world, but also making the debt-enslavement of society permanent. This way society subsequently owe even more money to a "Rothschild style" rip-off, usury banking scheme coupled with the stress to keep up and the fear of losing valuable assets.


For example, by 2030 Americans will have spent over $2 trillion ($2,000 billion) on interest alone via direct taxation. Netto interest payments alone will nearly triple from 2018 to 2029, and are actually growing much faster than the rate at which the debt itself is growing. In fact, interest payments can sometimes grow to beyond the level of the debt itself. Let it be noted, that the preceding only concerns just one country, not all countries.


So, these interest payments have been growing resulting in more and more precious time and energy being wasted on interest payments alone via taxpayer money, rising to billions of man-hours and trillions of dollars over the years, thereby not only wasting human and natural resources everywhere, but also usurping people's wealth and properties unjustly and deliberately, and making millions of victims year after year worldwide.


Not to mention the hidden taxation of inflation, which is mainly derived from the activities of the banks and the process of money creation, and the pure result of the compound interest on debt-based money. Unfortunately, the fractional reserve system of monetary expansion is inherently inflationary. On average people pay about 40% interest in all the prices of goods and services according to Dr. Margrit Kennedy. 


The truth of the matter is that sustainable and inclusive growth can only be achieved by a non debt based and an interest and inflation free currency, future proof, and ultimately designed to meet the demands of an ever changing world and market environment.


Although society is currently deprived of the option to have acces to such a currency for everyday use and payment activities, with the Hayek World Currency this changes. As a practical currency, the Hayek inherently ensures a more neutral and accurate way for pricing goods, services and even commodities, while at the same time avoiding additional pressures on governments, businesses and households worlwide, and restoring their purchasing power.